Fear Not

Hello, friends… I’m thinking I will not have time to write much today but I did want to write something. Have you heard there are 365 recorded messages in the Bible telling us not to fear? If that’s true, did God want us to be aware of that message all 365 days of the year? … [Read more…]

A Woman’s Heart

I have been encouraged many times to keep being real in my writing. I sometimes worry I divulge too much but I also find it comforting to know that people appreciate my honesty and find my life stories rather interesting. My dear friend was praying for me yesterday while we were together at a beautiful … [Read more…]

Learning As I Go…

It’s Monday again! What more can one say about that? So, it came to my attention a few days ago that the listed times for my posts as well as incoming comments were way off. This wasn’t a noticeable issue until I went to post “Ode To Gracie” on Friday, the 16th but the published … [Read more…]

Hello From The Coffeehouse

Yes, I am posting today from a small, family owned coffeehouse in a college town as I sip hot chamomile tea…how wonderfully cliché of me! I really feel like I’m playing the part! Can I admit something to you right now? I just learned that coffeehouse is one word– who knew? How embarrassing is that? … [Read more…]

Ode to Gracie

Well, today’s post is coming in late but it’s coming in! I am so thankful to all of you for your many encouragements – those posted and those that came through texts and phone calls filled with love! They keep me going – more than you could ever realize. *** Well, it may seem like a … [Read more…]

God’s Touch

I’m about half way through this blogging challenge and I’ve got to say, it’s getting a little tough for me. I suppose it could be a matter of hitting the dreaded writer’s block. Or maybe it’s just that I have a hard time believing my faithful readers actually want to read even one more of … [Read more…]

One Short Post

Some nights, I come home and my house is a little too quiet and a little too lonely. Some nights, I come home and my house is exactly what I need. Last night, I came home to a quiet and comfortable house after a long day. I crawled into my bed. My room was still and … [Read more…]

The Greatest Gift

Some new friends have stopped by jessicamweber.com. Welcome!! Your comments have truly touched my heart and I thank you so very much! *** As I sit down to write this post, I realize a couple things pretty quickly: A.  I’m pretty tired. Why are these letters blurring together? B.  I have nooooo idea what to write about … [Read more…]

For God, Not Man

Hello, friends! Welcome back! As always, I’m delighted you’ve stopped by. Do you remember Colossians 3:23? The Tree of Life version reads, “Whatever you do, work at it from the soul, as for the Lord and not for people.” At first glance, some scriptures present a tall order. Is this verse essentially saying, “don’t expect a … [Read more…]