God’s Touch

I’m about half way through this blogging challenge and I’ve got to say, it’s getting a little tough for me. I suppose it could be a matter of hitting the dreaded writer’s block. Or maybe it’s just that I have a hard time believing my faithful readers actually want to read even one more of my thoughts. But either way, I’m going to push on through. And I think you’re especially sweet for sticking it out with me.

Yesterday, I found out my parents lost a very dear friend and my heart goes out to them. It was kind of an unexpected passing. My poor mom called to share the news and fought back tears long enough to tell me. They broke as she told me she had talked to her dear friend a matter of hours before she passed. She was one of the last ones to have that privilege and it was after a few weeks of phone tag. So, the fact that they connected the very night of this friend’s passing is really a gift – and one for which my mom is so very thankful.

God’s gifts are abundant, I am certain of that. I am also certain we notice very few. I think that’s ok and probably to be expected. Our Father understands our limitations and won’t fault us for that. But I think He probably longs we’d catch more. They’re gifts from the Heart. They protect. They heal. They comfort. They bring joy. They bring clarity. They bring hope.

When my mom told me about her miracle yesterday, I thought of the overwhelming goodness of God and so did she. And I thought, yes, we might miss some gifts but there are many God makes sure we don’t. My heart overflows at the thought of God’s personal touch coming close enough that we would feel it that strongly. I’m beyond grateful He did that for my mom.

But the truth is, God is always that close. A-L-W-A-Y-S. Miracles never cease. Scripture assures us there is a spiritual realm more “real” than the world we see around us. And if there is a loving God within, working on our behalf, we have a lot to rest in.

On this particular day, I’m thinking of all the good gifts I would have given up for my mom to have the one she had with her friend. But God has an abundant supply – He never has to take from one to give to another. So, I’m just going to be thankful. I’m also going to ask God to open our eyes that we may see more of His blessed miracles because, in my experience, that is a prayer He loves to answer.

To my parents and all those missing this dear friend, I offer my most sincere condolences.

To my God, whom I know will get them through, I offer my most sincere gratitude.

And to you, dear reader, I offer a request…

Ask God that He would help you see Him today. If miracles are all around us, I’m thinking you might be able to catch one.

I certainly hope you do.






  1. Deenz

    Thank you for sharing this post, I hope your heart believes that there are people out there that love to read every thought you want to share. I can promise you that I am one of them. John 7:38 says, “Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said,” Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”. This is when Jesus was talking about receiving the holy spirit. I truly believe though that God uses hearts to spread his spirit. A heart that believes in him can be used to bless others with His living water. Therefore, dear friend, keep sharing that amazing heart God made in you as an avenue of ministering to other hearts that believe in him because some people see your sharing as a little miracle, a huge gift, everyday.

    When we hear of the passing of a friend, even when it’s someone we don’t know, our heart twinges for the people involved. The hardest part of death is for those left here on earth missing the fellowship of the people we’ve lost. Thoughts and prayers are going out to all who knew this friend, in hope they will one day see them again. That the ache is not to hard to bear. God is truly exactly what we need and more than enough to fulfill us at these times. Thank you for that reminder. Thanks be to God for his mercy.

  2. Kudie

    God love ya Sweetheart! Through the gamut of all of yesterday’s emotions, you were able to convey clearly what brought peace & a smile through the tears. How blessed I feel that I was able to talk to her before God took her home to be with Him & the loving husband she missed so much. She was such a wonderful lady, & it was certainly in God’s plan to spare her any more suffering. Another reminder that we just never know when God will call us to the other side. As for tiring of your Blogs, I can only tell you that YOU have become my daily devotional of choice. No matter what you have chosen to reflect on, it has made me think, or smile, or grow, but always makes me so proud of the way you use your God given talents! Keep ’em coming!

  3. Jim

    I read your blog every day. Don’t think for a moment your readers do not look forward to every posting. It must be very hard to make such meaningful thoughts available to us each day, but please don’t stop.

  4. Kim

    I learned of your blog in talking with your mom earlier this week. It was one of those gorgeously beautiful, warm days at the beginning of the week that just begged to be taken advantage of, so I’d gone for a walk, and she was decorating for Halloween.

    God has been showing me lately that he is at work, even in the minutest of details. It has served as a great reminder (because I often forget!) that He cares about EVERYTHING, not just the big stuff like jobs and friends. I hadn’t thought to think of these reminders as gifts, but that’s really what they are. I remember specifically the morning of our first day of school this year. I’d gone running, and I had that Francesca Battistelli song “Holy Spirit” stuck in my head. It was new at that point, and I LOVED it. I tend to keep the car quiet in the morning, at least until I’m almost to school. I like to be able to pray, and think about the day ahead. That morning, as I reached for the radio, I remember telling the Lord that I’d really like to hear that song. I tend to flip back and forth between 2 Christian stations, and after doing that a couple of times, I heard the first chords of the song and got goosebumps up and down my arms. Talk about a direct answer to prayer! And over such a little thing! He has allowed me to see his hand at work both before that moment and after…this week, when it seemed like things at school were going to be completely turned upside-down, once again, God showed up. The situation isn’t over/resolved, but His hand is clearly at work in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Now, if only I could remember that’s ALWAYS the case… 🙂

  5. Lois

    God bless you! Too often when we lose a loved one, family member or friend, we feel that we are saying “goodbye”. But, what we are really saying is “see you later”.

    Don’t tire. God isn’t even close to being finished with you!

  6. Linda McCormick

    Keep writing dear friend…you are blessing all of us…and your thoughts remind me of a verse in Ecclesiastes somewhere that talks about learning more from going into the ‘house of mourning’ than the ‘house of feasting’. You encourage us to live for what matters most and cherish each day with each person and each opportunity the Lord gives us. Thank you!

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