For God, Not Man

Hello, friends!

Welcome back! As always, I’m delighted you’ve stopped by.

Do you remember Colossians 3:23? The Tree of Life version reads, “Whatever you do, work at it from the soul, as for the Lord and not for people.”

At first glance, some scriptures present a tall order. Is this verse essentially saying, “don’t expect a pat on the back from anyone around you when you’re doing good work but be cognizant of your Father in heaven and do it all for Him”?

If it is, we’re in trouble. How many of us are good at that? It feels wonderful to be noticed, encouraged and appreciated by the people around us.

This feels like a strange topic for me to write about at the moment and I’ll tell you why in a bit. But it was on my mind earlier this week when I was thinking about a friend of mine who is feeling caught in a slump. Then the Colossians verse surfaced in our sermon yesterday and I was reminded, once again, of how uncertain we can feel about this instruction but the treasure held in its depths.

I used to read it and think, “Okay, Lord – with my very best intentions, I will work hard for you and only you.” But it would never take long before I was desperately needing or happily basking in the attention of others. It’s too deflating to work so hard and not be noticed and it feels too good to be praised when we are.

The strange part is that while I’m sitting down to write this, I’m feeling greatly bolstered by the people I love most. I was having a hard time with something yesterday and when I took it to them, they came in close and lifted me up above their shoulders where I could gain a new perspective. Not literally of course – I haven’t been hoisted up on anyone’s shoulders since I was a little girl on my dad’s. But figuratively, that’s what they did.

From that perspective, I saw myself the way they see me. Wow. That is like water to my soul – my desert soul. When the ones you love and admire tell you who you are, it almost seems like nothing else could feel so good. Often, it’s the difference between bottoming out or experiencing the world from such new and blessed heights that even the air you breathe feels cleaner and fresher. Confidence and courage are reignited in measures you can’t even see coming!

I am so grateful to my cheerleaders and I love them more than words can say.

I’m also so grateful to my Father in heaven who wouldn’t ever want to take that moment away from me. He delights in my delight. This is His heart. So, why a verse in Scripture that would seemingly make me feel like I can’t appreciate what that moment did for my soul?

We must read God’s Word in context – certainly with God’s love in mind. Our sweet Father, who can look outside time, knew we’d need this verse. He knew there would be days when we would feel like nothing we are doing matters much to anyone and though that’s probably never the case, it still can feel that way a little too often. The Enemy has tactics to sink that lie deep into our hearts faster than we can blink.

When our most loving cheerleaders aren’t close by and the world is coming in too loud, we can sometimes feel we’ve got so little left for the ones who seem to appreciate it the least. But in those moments, we have a God who sees. He always sees. And He, better than anyone, knows the depth of the pain in your product.

Colossians 3:24 goes on to say, “For you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as a reward.”

This verse can be tricky too. Is it saying we earn our way to heaven? Is it implying we are all selfish creatures who work only for the prize?

No, we don’t earn our way into heaven. We give our hearts to Jesus and that gift is ours. And, well, “selfish” may not be the best designation but we are human. We like to know our efforts are producing something.

I don’t know where you are this Monday at this moment. But if you’re working hard for little reward or doing something that feels so boringly insignificant you have to actively concentrate to keep from slipping into a coma, I want you to remember something…

God is saying, “I see you, precious daughter” and “I see you, precious son” and “someday, maybe even long before you come to live with me, I will show you the fruits of that effort and your joy will be so full. I can’t wait to see you smile.”

Yes, little old you has an Admirer watching you with loving eyes. His timing is perfect. Someday, He’ll show you that you haven’t labored in vain. Yours is the inheritance of Christ’s when you make Christ your King. As a child of God, no good work is in vain. None. That is His promise and that is His precious reward to you. Count on it and let joy come back into your work. Remember this, as well: God knows what makes you you. He knows what goes into the building of a godly soul. He knows you’re in this season for reasons you can’t see but will rejoice in when it all comes clear.

He sees. Even when you’re getting a little annoyed or downright angry with it all, He is the first to send you encouragement…

and He will be the first to smile with you the moment you say,

“Okay, God…I finally get it.”

Keep on, keepin’ on, my friends. He sees and He smiles.




  1. Deenz

    I love your heart and how you write. This is an amazing post and SO many people need to hear it exactly in the way you wrote it. Well-Done!

  2. Kudie

    I wake up in the morning & the first thing I want to do is check out my Jessie’s Blog. You give me a lesson, or an insight, or just something to reflect on during the day. Your heart & soul makes my heart & soul want to keep on learning & growing in God’s grace. God has blessed you with a very rare gift, a perspective so simple & clear that it makes you want to keep on listening & learning. I am very blessed that you are my daughter and my teacher!

  3. Lois

    Amen! All of our gifts, or talents, are God given and we should rejoice in Him in all that we do. And, yes, we are innately searching for what’s in it for us. But, we should always place our affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

    For God, not man, great topic!

    Thank you!

  4. Linda McCormick

    As I read your words, I get a picture of the grandstands of our lives full of friends with pom poms cheering us on…but the race is our own, and our eyes must be on Christ in order to keep running, or walking….just moving toward the goal He has for us in Knowing Him. Hebrews 11…the great Hall of Faith….for God knows we need connection, we need encouragement as we pursue God. So may be that to each other and please Him and the way He wired us for relationship. Thanks for the picture. I’m waving my pom poms for you!

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