Hello From The Coffeehouse

Yes, I am posting today from a small, family owned coffeehouse in a college town as I sip hot chamomile tea…how wonderfully cliché of me! I really feel like I’m playing the part!

Can I admit something to you right now? I just learned that coffeehouse is one word– who knew? How embarrassing is that?

Again, I know I say this quite a bit but I can’t stop!…

Your comments are uplifting me! I’m hearing from dear friends, old and new (some of whom I haven’t met yet) and sweet family…

and everything you write seems to sink instantaneously into my soul. I smile as I read. I find the renewed excitement for sitting down to write again.  It’s not to say I don’t love writing but for so many years, I pretty much kept it to myself. This is exhilarating to think there could be a future in it for me. It all begins with readers. YOU are the readers who are starting it all!

You know, the longer I get used to this world, the more I realize we ALL need people to speak life into our weary hearts. This can be a tough road to travel but when you have people who care and come in close to do that, it almost feels like there’s nothing you can’t handle. I am grateful for those who speak life into my heart – I have certainly experienced messages from the opposite spectrum and it hurts, to say the least. I know you’ve all experienced it too. You can’t walk this road and not.

I hope to always be speaking life into the people around me. I see so much of it. I see hearts that try and sometimes hearts that fail – just like my own. But I also see a resilience that keeps us lifting each other up and taking on new days and new challenges. Is this not one of the GREATEST blessings we will ever know?

This life is meant to be shared.

So, again, thank you. Thank you for sharing in this challenge with me. Thank you for sharing in my life.

Also, thank you for your condolences. When life gets difficult, it is our God and our dear ones who get us through. I feel such love and comfort in your heartfelt kindness. You write beautifully, as well. I love to log on and see if there are any comments on my site and when I read them, I feel a connection to you as if you’re sitting across from me at this tiny coffeehouse table. I devour your words like a good book.

Today is another busy day so honestly, that’s all I’m going to say for now. But I know you’re in it for the long haul with me – no matter how long or short the post.

See you tomorrow…looking forward to it.

One Comment

  1. Linda McCormick

    I just love the pictures you create with words, crafting each phrase whether intentionally or just naturally because God HAS gifted you to write. Thanks for sharing from a coffeehouse in a way that makes me feel I’m sitting there with you drinking tea. Yep, I’m in it for the long haul….its a beautiful ride!

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