God Is God

Hello, friends. It’s been a long and painful week for the students and faculty where I teach. Midweek, a student of ours passed away suddenly and very tragically. This sits heavily on our minds and hearts – even those of us who didn’t know her very well or at all. There are things we just can’t understand this side of … [Read more…]

Who Was Honored At The Cross?

Hello again, sweet readers! I know I say this a lot but…THANK YOU!! I can’t begin to tell you what your words have meant for this heart. Whether they were postings on jessicamweber.com or given through a conversation, e-mail or text, your comments have boosted my spirits and encouraged me greatly. It is an awesome thing … [Read more…]

He’s Not Mad At You

Do you know how many people around you believe in God? I remember finding the statistic somewhat surprising but I think in America it was around 70%. Just within the circle of people you know, the percentage is probably higher. Most of your friends, if not all, are probably believers even if they are not Christians. Do you … [Read more…]

God Is Love

Hello, dear readers. I’m pretty excited you’re sticking out this challenge with me! Thank you dearly. Your support has been so uplifting! I have one thought on my tired but blessed heart right now… God is sooooooo good!! I have been volunteering at a nearby crisis pregnancy center since June. A friend of mine from church taught me … [Read more…]


Do you sometimes feel like there’s not much to get excited about in this life? I don’t think you’re alone on that. I know I would agree. Days can seem monotonous and our souls can get sleepy. But, when you think about it, if every moment was exciting, we’d have no frame of reference. Exciting … [Read more…]

An Example Worth Remembering

Hello, dear friends!  Happy Sunday!  Today, we are gathering in many different places to worship together as a family of believers.  What an awesome privilege!  I’m so grateful we live in a country where we are free to worship as we choose and I hope and pray that doesn’t change.  I love Sundays.  I also … [Read more…]

Why Prayer Matters

I sit down to write and nothing is coming into my head and heart other than the painful remembrance of yet another horrifically tragic school shooting. How could anything else come into my mind? Roseburg, Oregon is the latest city and state to reel over such innocence lost. And our hearts are breaking for them … [Read more…]