Do you sometimes feel like there’s not much to get excited about in this life? I don’t think you’re alone on that. I know I would agree. Days can seem monotonous and our souls can get sleepy.
But, when you think about it, if every moment was exciting, we’d have no frame of reference. Exciting would get boring, you know what I mean? One sunny day after another would make us lose all appreciation and enthusiasm. We need the rainy ones so we can be inspired by the blue skies and sunshine the next time they appear.
My family and I had an inspiring moment about a week and a half ago. It was like it had been raining for a while and then the sun came out. I love how moments like that bring such clarity, almost as if we were waiting on them to shed light on all the surrounding moments.
My dad is a pilot. He’s been a pilot for many, many years – my whole life…and beyond. He has logged more flight time than I think any of us could wrap our heads around but I’ll throw the number out there in case you want to try…24,000. That’s hours, folks. He’s been a mechanic. He’s been an instructor. He’s flown little things. And much bigger things. For the past 23 years, he has flown Gulfstreams which are impressively beautiful business jets considered the world’s most technologically advanced. They fly higher and faster than most anything else.
Currently, he is flying a G550. Every once in a while, we’ll get a pic from my dad that says something like, “hi from 45,000 feet” which will be a shot of a very tiny world below. My dad has been all over the world and though he appreciates that and loves what he’s seen, he claims that seeing the world isn’t nearly as thrilling as one would think when you’re not sharing it with the people you love most. My dad is a cool guy with a cool job and frankly, I can’t help but brag a bit.
Last week, he flew into a nearby airport which happens once in a blue moon. He is a corporate pilot for a company based out of the country so seldom do we get to see my dad at work, so to speak. When it was confirmed he’d be flying in for a few hours, my mom, brother and I made plans to make the short hour’s drive to see him. We were pretty excited…to say the least.
That day was perfect.
As we were approaching the parking lot of the airport, we saw my dad’s tail standing tall from the tarmac. Just to catch a glimpse of that stunning plane inspires goose bumps.
My dad came out the front door of the airport to greet us. Then he took us back to say hi to the crew and see the plane. My dad has the best crew. My family and I love his co-pilot, mechanic and flight attendant. It had been so long since we’d seen each other, it was a fun reunion. His flight attendant served me Evian and tiny tea sandwiches on the plane. Honestly, how sweet is that? I felt famous.
We got to sit in the cockpit with my dad and enjoy some time just staring in awe. How does he remember what every little button and screen does? It’s almost mind boggling.
The coolest part by far was watching him taxi out, gather tremendous speed as he rolled down the runway and then, in a moment of sheer perfection, take to the sky. We had a front row seat for that. All three of us were exhilarated. All three of us were in tears.
I don’t know how to explain that really except to say that what my dad does is inspiring. It’s just so very inspiring. Flight in itself is awesome. It almost doesn’t make sense…like it’s a full blown miracle. You can know the physics of it and still be taken aback by the experience of it. And when you know your dad is at the controls, it takes on a whole other level.
In that moment, when we have the privilege of watching him do what’s become routine but still deeply treasured to him, we are flooded with the remembrance of so many things:
How proud we are of him for one. My goodness, are we proud.
How hard he’s worked. My dad has worked hard his whole life. His career is one for the books.
The places he’s been and the people he’s met. The flight students who still remember how much he cared. The people he flies and works with whom, I know, have learned over the years just what a good man my dad is as well as a good pilot.
The fact that he gets to see the world from 51,000 feet and that he, admittedly, is still blown away by that.
The fact that he sees the world but misses us. The sacrifices he has made for our family and the sacrifices we made missing him. The times my mom struggled with feeling alone but didn’t show me or my brother. The Thanksgivings my dad ate peanuts at the hotel by himself instead of turkey with his family. The Christmas Eve’s when my brother and I would wait by the front window way more excited about our dad coming home than Santa’s pending visit.
I think when we watch him take off, we miss him all over again. I know he misses us. That pulls at the heart at times but perhaps that’s made us appreciate each other all the more. It’s that perspective thing again. I am proud of my dad for handling it so well. I am proud of my mom for handling it so well. I know my brother and I have never wanted for anything, most especially love. And I can honestly tell you, in those rare moments we see him lift up into the sky, we know in the deepest part of our hearts, we wouldn’t change a second of the lives we have shared. Because to be in wonder like that is a rare and beautiful gift, let alone for the wonder to be inspired by someone you love so dear. Yep, when we watch my dad fly, our hearts take wing right along side him.
Speaking of, I thank God for flying with my dad all these years and continuing to do so. Countless prayers have been offered up and our Father has heard every one. Our God is so good. Our life is so blessed.
Yep, my dad had a dream to be a pilot and quite honestly (though I may be a little biased), I happen to think he’s the best. My brother and mom would totally back me up on that.
We love you, Daddy…always. We are so proud.
Thank you my sweetheart, I am truly, incredibly blessed to have the family that I do.
Wow Jess, that was the most beautiful tribute any daughter has ever given a father! You captured our heart & souls. Finding a way to sum up such a wonderful life truly is an INSPIRATION, even to me, who was right there living it. I’ve always said what your Daddy does is nothing short of magic. What a wonderful way to let him know that you feel that way too! God bless my daughter, the Blogger!
Your Daddy is AMAZING!!!!
Jessica, for sure…. that, was as special for your Dad as it was for you, mom Kerry and brother Jason. I know he loved sharing that with you all. It made for a perfect day for all of us! — So wonderful seeing you all. Jason’s video, with your sweet voices in the background said it all! ( paraphrasing) ….. “That’s My Dad”. — yes, you should be proud ?
Linda McCormick
What a beautiful tribute to your father. As long as I’ve known you, Jess, I’ve known how much you love and respect your dad. I don’t know who is more proud, him to have a daughter like you, or you to have him as your dad. But its a beautiful thing especially in our culture today where there isn’t that connection of honor between generations. Thanks for showing us a better way in such a beautiful way!