He’s Not Mad At You

Do you know how many people around you believe in God? I remember finding the statistic somewhat surprising but I think in America it was around 70%. Just within the circle of people you know, the percentage is probably higher. Most of your friends, if not all, are probably believers even if they are not Christians.

Do you ever wonder why it is that so many people believe and yet they’re unwilling to get to know God? If you believe in Him, wouldn’t you want to know His character? Wouldn’t you want to know what He’s all about? Wouldn’t you want to know how He feels about you?

Why don’t people search?

Well, if you were to talk to a lot of the people you know about this, I’d bet you would hear this quite a bit…

“If there’s a god in heaven, he has no interest in me.”

This is the sad truth. People aren’t drawing near God because they don’t believe He wants to draw near them. They don’t understand His heart for them. They think their sins have locked them out.

There are others who were taught incorrectly about the heart of God by those who falsely represented Him. They have no godly wisdom to match up against what they see and experience in this world and therefore, it doesn’t seem plausible that a loving god exists. Who can blame them?

Can you imagine how much a life would change if they knew the truth?

This is a short post today but I hope it means something to someone who is struggling with this notion:

God is not mad at you.

If God has any anger or any wrath, it is aimed at whatever comes to destroy you…NOT you.

Your life – your heart – even the very hairs on your head are precious to him.

God’s love for you never changes. It is not a merit system. You can’t earn His love…it is yours for the taking and there’s nothing you can do to keep Him from loving you.

These are Biblical truths and if you want to see them for yourselves, here are some good places to start:

Romans 8:37-39

John 3:16

Zephaniah 3:17

Psalm 86:15

Matthew 10:30

Ephesians 2:8

I can’t help but wonder how profoundly hearts and lives would change if they understood the simplest message of God’s heart. Yes, I know we live in a not-so-ideal world but God’s story is one of redemption, rescue, and over-the-top adoration for those He calls His own – which makes this life not even a drop in the ocean.

Friends, if you do nothing else today, please remind someone they are loved…

and if you are already aware of this truth yourself, live lighter knowing it will never, ever change.










  1. Linda McCormick

    Another beautifully written expression of the heart of God….because its so true…God is NOT mad at us. If we’ve been around angry people who are mad at us, we know the feeling of dread approaching them for anything. But not with our heavenly Father, even if earthly parenting modeled something differently for us…..so refreshing…again, thanks for the reminder how His heart longs for ours.

  2. Kudie

    Simple, to the point, but oh so profound. No matter how tired you are, your faith pulls you through. It always has, and that makes you an inspiration to all of us. God bless you!

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