You can’t really escape it sometimes, am I right? Sometimes you don’t even want to. You’re in your car or finally on your sofa and you have a little time to breathe and be still. What do most of us do? We turn on the radio. We turn on the T.V. We fill up the empty space with noise. More noise.
Studies show our brains cannot function well during or after extended periods of over stimulation. Our natural rhythms are disrupted. Our sleep is disrupted. Our bodies suffer when we can’t be quiet and still. And so do our hearts.
I think our Creator designed us that way on purpose. A Father who longs to share intimate moments with His beloved children needs their attention to do so. He’s not one to shout over the noise. But He will wait patiently for you in the stillness.
I have a simple post today and accompanying it is a simple request. Let’s make time for Him today. Let’s be quiet for a while in His presence. Let’s turn off our phones. Let’s shut down the computers. Let’s drive home without the radio or leave the T.V. off an extra half hour once we’re there. What are the chances that new show will live up to its expectations anyway?
Let’s give our minds a rest and a reset. Let’s commune with the One whose heartbeat longs to synchronize with ours. Perhaps a walk in the cool fall air – this season has a depth and a beauty like no other. Perhaps a comfy chair in a quiet corner where you can open His Word as He opens your heart. Perhaps nothing more than a few minutes of complete silence before you drift off to sleep tonight. You might be surprised by what you hear.
Friends, I know my posts are random but so is life. And today, I just can’t help but feel our time would be better spent if we take a moment and enjoy some uninterrupted peace. There is someone waiting for us there. I’m pretty certain He is everything we need.
I look forward to meeting up with you again tomorrow. In the meantime, Psalm 46:10 is my hope and prayer for us. Oh that we would just be still and know He is God.
Happy Silence, dear ones.
Just reading your words today gave me peace.
Simply beautiful!
So true, you have a wonderful way of expressing the things that we hold in our hearts. Please keep writing.
The gift of silence is as pure as it gets — it allows us to be in a form of meditation and have conversations with God — and when you really take the time listen — your questions are always answered. You bring to light Jessica, the importance of silence in our lives.
Linda McCormick
Yes….happy silence to all…stillness to hear and know God is the most awesome thing. Thanks Jess for the reminder and example you are.