God Is Love

Hello, dear readers.

I’m pretty excited you’re sticking out this challenge with me! Thank you dearly. Your support has been so uplifting!

I have one thought on my tired but blessed heart right now…

God is sooooooo good!!

I have been volunteering at a nearby crisis pregnancy center since June. A friend of mine from church taught me about the center and listed their needs.  I decided to go through the training to be a peer counselor there.  I say none of this to pat myself on the back or to seek any other pats – I promise.  It has been a blessing to me in so many ways!

Yesterday was a volunteer day for me and I met with three women within a three hour span. Each unique and lovely woman humbly presented a different need. The center provides services and goods not only for pregnant women but moms who are having trouble making ends meet for their little ones.

I just want to say that God’s beautiful and life-giving hands are ALL OVER this ministry and I leave there wide-eyed every single time.

One of the first days I worked there, we had a young momma come in who asked if we could provide a baby bathtub…a simple enough request but I was told we don’t often get those donated.  I went downstairs where the supplies are kept to search for one. Eureka! One was found.

But just one.

And I remember thinking,

well, that’s great for this mom but what about the next mom who needs one?

I didn’t think that with a cynical attitude – just one of genuine worry and concern.  I was giving this bathtub away but surely there would be another mom who would need one and one wouldn’t be on our shelves!


Friends, let me tell you, I just have to laugh at myself sometimes.

Our God is a God who provides. Even He was probably lovingly chuckling at me on that one.

I can’t tell you how many times we have found what we were looking for at the pregnancy center just when it was needed. Or got a delivery of a high chair or crib right before it was asked for. Or found that the one particular type of formula left on our shelf was exactly the right kind.

Or found a tiny beautiful pink and brown coat for a sweet and unassuming mom whose 2 year old little girl needed something to keep her warm just before the weather turned cold…

as was the case yesterday.

There was only one coat in the right size in our supplies. Only one. But God already knew where that little coat was going and He knew that for yesterday, that supply was sufficient.

I want to cry when I think of the goodness of God’s heart.  I want to cry when I think of how lovingly and intimately He is involved in our lives.  I want to cry when I think of how He meets the needs of those in rough places and what it looks like for a struggling heart to receive such love.

Can I just encourage you today with this?…

If you’re in need, whatever that need looks like, will you please place that concern before your Father in heaven?  What loving dad doesn’t delight in providing for his precious child?

Don’t feel too proud or too small or too unworthy or too ok to ask.  We all have a need.

Just ask.

He has that specific answer.

Perhaps He’ll provide one answer for today…just one. But it will suffice.

Give God the chance to love on you today. That means everything to His incredible heart. He loves you and He loves to provide.

Blessings to you, my friends!








  1. Kudie

    What a wonderful story, told by such a beautiful heart. I was worried when you said you wanted to train & volunteer at the center, that it might be too overwhelming for you. It is so easy for you to take on everyone else’s pain. I should have remembered that your faith always gets you through, & then helps you to shine. God bless you!

  2. Jan Suddick

    Jessica, you write with such passion and love. I totally enjoyed your heart warming story, and very much believe just as you described, that in the most mysterious way ” things just show-up” when you put it out there to our Heavenly Father — it’s very powerful. Thank you for sharing your story, sending a very strong message that everything is possible when you believe with a loving open heart.

  3. Linda McCormick

    I’m so blessed by your work at PSC…hearing the stories, seeing your heart for them. This is such a strategic, life changing ministry and you are so gifted for the task. God bless you, the ministry and all who come there for help and healing.

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