Stepping Out

I’m getting to my writing late again.  That’s been the way this challenge has been for me thus far; squeezing in a post a couple hours before the midnight cutoff.  I’ve been approaching writing in a sleepy state and finding corrections need to be made the following morning. It’s got me wondering if maybe I have taken on more than I should lately.  Yet, I really am happy to be a part of this.  Such is life, I guess.  Not everything is the smoothest of sailing but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not worth it.

So, my post is short tonight but it poses a question I think we all need to consider.  If we’re not putting our best foot forward, should we just stay put?  I don’t think so.  This writing thing has me considering that about myself.  I’ve certainly had moments when the thoughts in my head were loudly interjecting, “You can’t do your best right now so why are you doing this at all!?”

Now maybe that is the case with some things.  Maybe there are things I need not take on if I feel I can’t do them to the fullest of my potential.  But I wonder if our Father really wants us to live and think like that.  Probably not.  We’re flawed.  We’re human.  We get tired and distracted and weak.  Sometimes we do well.  Sometimes we don’t.

As I said yesterday, that doesn’t mean take on everything and anything at the cost of your peace.

But sometimes we are called to something.  And if we all hid from the light, afraid of what it might expose, we might squander a treasure or two.  God is our strength.  My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)  If we believe this, we can confidently listen to His calling FULLY expecting His goodness to shine through…even when we can’t see how.

We’re all on a journey.  Some things we have down.  They don’t challenge us at all.  Some things require more.  Maybe we all need to get over the fact that we might make a mistake or two…or eighty…in the growing process.  We’d never be good at anything if we gave up after the first blunder.

So, do your thing, my friends.  Even if you’re stumbling a bit.  It’s where your heart is in the process that matters.  Keep surrendering to Him and trust He’s got ya.  You have every reason to step out of your comfort zone when you know Who is stepping with you.

Blessings! See you again tomorrow.



  1. Donna

    I LOVE that statement!!! “You have every reason to step out of your comfort zone when you know Who is stepping with you”. THAT should be on a bumper sticker! Do your thing. Step to a different drummer. Yes, God made us all unique beings. I’ll bet He did that for a reason. Unfortunately, our human frailties keep us from our appointed tasks. That’s why we need to stay close to our Creator, trusting in His guidance and strength to take that step out of our comfort zone, to persevere through failure, and use the stumbling blocks as stepping stones to accomplish the task He has led us to.

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