Another god

Good morning, dear friends.

It remains still and snow covered outside my window…and probaby yours. I know many of you may be getting tired of this weather but I encourage you to cozily sink in while you can. There is a calm to winter uniquely its own. It works as a respite, almost a reset, to the mind and heart.

Not to mention its brilliance and beauty…

after a while, branches wrapped in ice and hills draped in white will be a memory…

And our wonder-inspiring and purely cleansed canvas will be ready for color.

We’re almost to spring…so take what you can from this comfortably quiet season.

And if you do find yourself in a still and contemplative state, may I offer a morsel of food for thought?

We are steadily pursuing the final presidential candidates for our upcoming, and most important, election (stay with me)…

and though it may feel more like a battle…

I want you to remember something strengthening to the heart.

This doesn’t sit outside His jurisdiction. If we invite Him in, He will show us truth.

God created us in His image, making us capable of our own thoughts and choices…

yet when we ask Him to intervene, He is faithful to respond.

Prayer is one very important way of doing this. Lately, I find myself praying more than I ever have for the future of our country and the well being of our people.

There are very few Christians who would deny the biblical truths on which we were built and under which, we’ve thrived.

And it’s not hard to see that somewhere we’ve slipped. Something is happening. Something else takes hold and renders us confused, in a possible state of collapse.

An enemy’s greatest strategy is to disillusion, instilling fear.

The fear is palpable. And under memory of those who gave everything to preserve what’s made our country the greatest on the face of the earth and our fervent desire to keep it that way, we feel a weighted sorrow…and a responsibility.

And hopefully, a call to action.

We are not disillusioned…because truth does not elude those who seek it.

Today, I’m not going to argue the best candidate. Or climb on my political soapbox. But, in the days to come, I will continue to keep my eyes open, and my heart connected in prayer.

So when my opportunity comes; my blessed birthright as someone gifted a privileged American, I will do what needs to be done to help bring my home back to God.

I will seek His answers as He impresses truth upon my heart and instills it deeply into my spirit…

And I will keep responding.

You can do the same and I’m encouraged that you do.

When we step up to take full advantage of the power we’ve been given, I believe we’ll choose a leader who has already chosen ours: The only Leader worthy.

Friends, our Father loves us. And He never intended us to live without Him. But the choice is ours.

Psalm 16:4…The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply.

Here’s a prayer by Max Lucado, given to me recently from my dear friend, and worth our daily consideration:

Dear Lord,

You outrank any leader. You hold sway over every office. Greater is the occupant of Heaven’s throne than the occupant of the White House.

You have been good to this country. You have blessed us in spite of our sin and guarded us in spite of our rebellion.

We unite our hearts in one prayer. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done. Please, speak through the electoral process to reveal your leader.

This we pray in the name of Jesus.



  1. Jim

    Our God has blessed this country from its inception, and has given us the desire and ability to share these blessings with the world. Our founders knew and understood the absolute importance of keeping our God as the center of our lives. “One Nation Under God” is under attack from within. We all need to pray that the individuals responsible are defeated in this critical upcoming election.
    Thank you for writing this. I wish everyone in our Country could read this.

  2. Kudie

    Once again you’ve “wowed” me! I have been stressing about the outrageous political environment & have been feeling confused, disgusted & helpless. It has taken my younger, wiser, and oh so spiritually enlightened mentor to bring me the peace that I know is there, but just need that shaken by the shoulders reminder to believe in. As always, your words need to be heard by more than just the limited audience you have here. As suggested in your last blog, we need to spread the word, but that too appears to have its limitations. You have insight beyond your years. My greatest wish is that you complete your book, find a competent, dedicated publisher, and realize your dream. You are truly a remarkable teacher, not just in your music, but maybe even more importantly in your spirituality and awe inspiring faith. Your words broaden my horizons, enrich my own faith, & make me prouder than any parent could ever be! Thank you for sharing, don’t ever stop helping the rest of us to grow

  3. Lois

    Yes, it is obvious throughout our wonderful country, that Satan has been hard at work and is successfully influencing many. But, just as you quoted from Psalm 16, too many are choosing the wrong leaders because they have also chosen the wrong god.

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