Hope your week is going well! You’re halfway to the weekend! And I’m so grateful for this opportunity to send a little encouragement your way. We all run better when we’re running on the inspiration of our loving God.
Today’s writing is based on the communion meditation I wrote and offered this past Sunday.
Let’s consider 1 John 4:10 which reads:
“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”
This past Sunday, during our worship service, we sang an old and well-known hymn…
“They’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
It’s a great song with a great message but I found myself wondering how many of my fellow congregants were singing the words with guilt in their hearts instead of gratitude.
We are constantly looking inward – trying to produce more love so that we may live better and serve better and be less focused on ourselves.
But how can looking inward ever produce anything worthy of such a calling?
1 John 4:10 says that real love is found in the love of God; a Father who sent His Son for us long before we knew Him or came anywhere close to loving Him.
My tired friends, if you’re worried about your depleted levels of love, I hope I can encourage you with the same good news that has encouraged me. And can I remind you this message comes directly from the heart of our God? It’s in His Word. And here it is:
It’s never been about your love. It’s always been about His. He doesn’t expect you to manufacture a GREAT love from a small and weak heart.
Romans 5:8 says it like this:
God has shown His love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Where do we think, then, we’ll find the supply and abundance of love we need to grow, change, serve with cheerful hearts and ultimately become Christians known by their love?
Not in looking inward. But in looking to the Cross. God loved us first. God loves us best. And God always will. Our performance cannot change that.
God’s Word needs to be rightly divided. Do not apply Old Testament truths to a New Testament life. The Cross changed everything. God’s love in the blessed sacrifice of His Son changed everything.
Invite Him in and prepare to be overwhelmed with so much love, it will spill over into the lives of those around you. This is the very big heart of a very big God.
Jesus, thank you. Thank you that Your love for us has never been based on our love for You. As we draw nearer to You – beautiful, compassionate, gracious and merciful You – we are changed. Sin loses its control and Your light shines brightly into our darkest corners, setting us free and teaching us to rest in Your love. Jesus, on the days we only feel our shame and our lack of love, remind us that Your heart hasn’t changed toward us…and in the receiving of all that You are, we are restored. Help us to see with Your eyes and love with Your heart and cease trying to live without You. You are the vine, we are the branches. It is You who produces the good fruit. And we live eternally grateful.
Your heart is nothing short of amazing. I cannot be near it and not be changed.