The First Lie

There are people in our world content to believe we’ve evolved from monkeys. I don’t say this in a condemning way…we’re all sorting through thoughts. But I do speak it with a perplexed tone and a wrinkled forehead, both representing my inability to grasp how that belief is more settling than that of an intelligent Creator.

I guess I don’t get it.

Evolutionists admit there are holes in their theories and so really, what they’ve created is a “religion” all its own. It takes faith to fill in the gaps that science can’t. For me, it takes too much faith. I am reminded of that book title: “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist”.

I don’t shy away from science. This is an all too common misconception of non-believers; that we, as believers, choose to ignore scientific theories and/or proofs. I see science continuously pointing to an intelligent Creator. I also see both sides unable to fill in all of the gaps and therefore, it makes more sense to me that we humans are not the be-all-end-all. There must be someone infinitely smarter who has answers we clearly do not.

And I am ok with that.

Did you happen to see the debate between Bill Nye (“the science guy”) and Ken Ham (founder of the Young Earth Creationist ministry) last year? I remember walking away from that experience not shaken in my faith at all, mostly because it was evident that both of these intelligent and well-versed men could not fill in every gap; not through scientific study and not through scripture. Both shared a compelling case although I didn’t find the debate nearly as exciting as I thought it would. I definitely learned some things – but nothing that chipped away at biblical truths. What stuck out to me the most as I left my church that evening (where we had gathered to watch the debate) was the demeanor of the two men involved. One debater was edgy and noticeably irritated. The other was gracious and collected.

One had not enough faith to keep his cool. The other did.


Friends, if we were created, we have a Creator and humans have always been humans. According to the scriptures, the first humans “messed up”. They were presented with a lie by Satan in serpent’s clothing and they chose to believe it. What was it?…

That God was not for them but against them.

This has been Satan’s #1 tactic since day one. He is still succeeding with that one ugly lie. From the very depths of hell comes this whisper to our hearts and when we believe it, we shut God out. We stop trusting and we stop receiving all He has for us.

Grace in its simplest definition is the act of receiving unearned good. A God who loves without any strings attached freely gives good things. A human who distrusts refuses to accept. We are the ones who routinely shut out the goodness of God. When our pride or fear or need to answer every question outweighs our trust, something takes root. And the fruit is noticeable to the world around us: we are irritable, fearful, ungrateful and heartsick.

Maybe we should practice “receiving” today…in a very real and honest way. Let’s watch and see what God does with that. There is proof in our fruit.

Who do we resemble today: Bill Nye or Ken Ham?

One is troubled. One is at peace.

Call me a simpleton but I choose God…

and He never ceases to amaze me with the proof of His love and the power of His grace.

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