Goodbye and Hello

Halloween Day…the last day of spooky things and trick-or-treating. The last day of October. The last day of the 31 Days Writing Challenge!

The beginning of Thanksgiving planning and celebration. The beginning of blogging just to blog. The gift of an extra hour of sleep tonight. I do love this time of year.

As one thing ends, something exciting and beautiful waits right around the bend. Soon we will be gathering for turkey and laughs around our family tables. Shortly after that, the magic of Christmas. Shortly after that, closing one year to ring in another. There is such love…and joy…and strength…and beauty in linking one inspired moment to the next, together.

No matter where we are today – no matter our stage of life or particular circumstances – God is there to point our hearts to the things that matter. In them, we find our greatest fulfillment as He finds His greatest glory. It is a beautiful design and one we can count on no matter how gloomy things may seem at the moment.

This life is separated in seasons – not just the ones that bring changing weather and holiday celebrations. Sometimes we leave a season of sorrow. Sometimes we enter a season of challenge. But God never leaves us in one particular season for too long because as a whole, it fits into a really lovely plan.

Our God is a God who provides and in whatever season you’re currently living, He’s currently extending His hands. Don’t be afraid to ask for His perspective, guidance, hope and help. I do it daily. Sometimes, I really need Him to intercede. Other days, I see things clearly right from the get-go. But He’s always there. To celebrate with us…or dab our tear soaked cheeks…or be our fortress in the storm. Our God loves to love us. I hope you’ll let Him love you…today and in the days to come.

I also hope you’ll see the beauty in whatever season you currently rest remembering it’s the seasons we need Him most, we experience Him the fullest.

Father, thank you for being ours. Thank you that we are yours. Thank you that this will never change. From one season to the next, you are our “constant” and in this knowledge, everything seems beautiful. You are a God who loves and provides and now and forevermore, you have our hearts. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.


  1. Deenz

    It’s been such a miracle and a blessing reading your blog. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I look forward to continuing the journey of life with such an amazing friend!

  2. Donna

    What a pleasure to read your articles! I love your explanation of seasons of life. I love the visual of God extending his hands in every season of our lives. All we have to do is reach out and take His hand, accepting what He has to offer us. It is so simple. Yet, we make it a challenge at times.
    Congratulations dear friend for completing this awesome challenge! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  3. Linda McCormick

    Congrats for doing this for 31 days! A beautiful season of sprouting a new garden of thoughts, written for us to enjoy. Thanks Jess! Love the adventure of going through seasons with you!

  4. Kudie

    I am so very proud of you! Not only for accepting this challenge (which really was very difficult to do with 3 jobs & volunteering, etc.) but for doing it in such a way that it’s left us all wanting more. God has so much more in mind for you my sweet Angel, & I look forward to watching your journey unfold, as you continue to expand my own.

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