Hello, dear readers…
It’s another beautiful autumn day! Thanks be to God!
I would like to talk a little today about what a relationship with God looks like. Why? Because I know firsthand how confusing that can be and I’ve learned there are many questions surrounding that very topic.
It’s difficult for us, as people, to understand how to have a “relationship” with a God who is seemingly intangible in the ways we need. Yet, there are plenty of scriptural references implying our very well being lies in our connection with our Creator. We can’t see, touch, feel or experience Him in the ways we experience fellow human beings. But we are called to commune.
“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” – (2 Peter 1:2)
Our peace depends on our understanding of our God. Our understanding comes with our relationship. But where do we begin?
Well, I believe we first have to accept our relationship with God will feel different but this doesn’t diminish its worth. If we are told in God’s Word we are capable of experiencing great things in drawing near our God, we can believe our efforts to do so will be rewarded. Yes, God rewards our faith. Hebrews says so: 11:6. Other verses do, as well.
To seek and commune with God, we simply need to come as ourselves – confusion and all. Tell your Father you’d like to know the real God. Ask Him to guide you. Trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide you into your relationship. Don’t be afraid to be perfectly real about where you are in this. God knows anyway and doesn’t fault us for our lack of understanding.
I am realizing now there’s no way (in such a short post) I could come even remotely close to encompassing the understanding or blessing of a life lived in Christ. But if I can just encourage you today with these few words, I will be most grateful for the opportunity:
Your relationship with God will evolve the more you learn about His heart. Look for Him in the scriptures. Seek His heart in prayer. Prayer is just conversation, dear ones. Don’t make it out to be something too big or too small. It is SUCH a powerful thing but if you aren’t sure of that now, this is not a hindrance to His heart. Take some time to talk with God – even if you feel like you’re the only one talking at first. Open your mouth. Use your voice. Tell Him how you feel. It doesn’t have to be pretty. The words don’t have to be eloquent. If you’re mad at Him, tell Him why. He can handle your pain. He can handle your anger. He can handle your fears. Just open your heart to Him and cease being afraid. When you come to your Father in Heaven, you come to a safe place. And there is no need to clean yourself up before you do. As Pastor Joseph Prince says, “you don’t clean yourself before you take a bath”. Jesus is your bath. You go to Him, ugliness and all and you are lovingly cleansed.
I will tell you, from personal experience, God will reveal Himself to you in ways you never dreamed possible. You seek Him a little, He comes after you A LOT. This is a biblical truth and I know many, many others who would say the same. We approach God thinking He can’t be what we need but He loves to prove us wrong on that one. When you need tangible proof of His love, in earthly ways, He will often lovingly send it through earthly methods. If you need to be held, He can certainly encourage human arms to do so. And yes, that does feel wonderful.
But, my friends, it goes so very far beyond that. As we experience Christ in the world around us just by opening our hearts, we realize that the things of the world we think we need often pale in comparison to what we find in our revelations of Him. And though there will still be longing, because only heaven can fulfill the depths of it, there are also moments of profound contentment that embed so deeply into our souls, we often experience glimpses of heaven in ways that dramatically change our earth.
These things are real…even when they “feel” different from our perception of reality.
Let go and give it a try. God is longing to fulfill your own longing…and He certainly is capable. I share this because I want you to know His love. If I want you to know it this strongly, I can’t IMAGINE how much HE wants you to know His love.
See you tomorrow. Have a blessed day and a blessed conversation with the One who will fill your heart in ways you never saw coming!
Prayer doesn’t have to be formal, or pretty, just sincere. There is so much comfort in knowing we can just talk it out with God, even if it’s a million times a day. I used to be afraid to “bother” God with my minutia. As my faith grew, I realized that those heartfelt, intimate conversations were what was strengthening my resolve & reminding me of a grace that is so much bigger than comprehension allows. God hears MY prayers. Sometimes we have a hard time believing that, & not everyone gets the full blown miracle that we did, but all prayers ARE heard. Maybe it’s best to ask, but trust that leaving it in God’s capable hands will bring about the best outcome, even if it takes us a while to see that. YOU my sweet Jessie, are the reason I believe that so strongly! Another thank you!
It is amazing how your words allow me to feel what you are feeling. The ability to do that is rare and is truly an art! God’s gift to you! One of many.