Ok, I’m a blogger.
It happened. And honestly, I had my moments when I was pretty sure it sooo would not.
Which reminds me…
I’d like to dedicate my first official blog entry to my mom and dad. Do people dedicate blogs? Well, anyway, I do. At least this one time. You guys have never stopped standing beside me. Through the thickest of thick and the thinnest of thin. I wish every daughter felt as loved and supported as I do by you. I thank you, yet again, for standing in the gap and helping me make another dream come true. There are countless times I would have rolled over and played dead if you didn’t remind me that you believe in me.
Ok, now back to blogging.
This initial blog, though intended for and inspired by the write31days.com challenge, has actually been a long time coming. I’ve wanted to blog for a while…at least several years. But it’s funny how life gets in the way and it gets easy to make excuses and push off the things we want most. So, a big hearty THANK YOU to the write31days.com people!! You lit a fire under my butt and it worked!!
Although I’m still dedicating this to my mom and dad.
I was encouraged to tell a little about myself in my first blog so that’s what I’ll do.
I write to you from Hartville, Ohio. A teeny and sweet town comfortably nestled between the somewhat larger cities of Akron and Canton. This is one quiet town and I love it. I love when the church bells ring on the hour. And I love that right now, with my sliding door to my balcony open, I am only hearing the light and song-like chatter of the fall crickets and the occasional dog bark or train whistle in the distance.
I am a music teacher who teaches at a local university and also has a private studio of voice and piano students who daily challenge me yet also bring me some of my greatest moments of joy. You know who you are!
I am also a worship leader and Director of Music and Worship Ministries at a church in Canton. I’ve found a home there with some of the warmest people I’ve ever known. And weekly leading my congregation as we lift our Lord in praise? Well, that’s a blessing beyond compare.
I am single. I am sure more will come up on that later. I am at the age when a husband and children would be so very welcomed but also when I’ve grown comfortable enough with myself that I’m actually content with my life – right where God has it at the moment. (That was a long time coming too, folks.)
Why do I blog?
Well, I blog because I love to write and blogging is just an awesome way to keep on top of that. And I write because…well…I guess the best answer I can give is: I write because something comes alive in me when I do. It’s the same thing that comes alive in my brother when he gets his beat-up yet oh so talented hands on a classic car and works tirelessly to restore her to her former days of glory. It’s the same thing that comes alive in my mom when she dreams up and designs gorgeous home décor that delights the senses and makes her family feel at home. And it’s the very same thing that comes alive in my dad the second his tires lift off the runway, tuck up into the belly of his jet and he gracefully glides up into a world the rest of us seldom see.
I write because I love to write. God made me an expressive creature. I knew it from the moment my gramma gave me a tiny musical organ to play and I couldn’t tear myself away from the keys for the first few years…like, at all. And I knew it when that passion developed into a love so deep that when my parents bought me my first piano, I half considered sleeping on the bench the night is was delivered so I could remain near it. If I would have fit a little better, I would have. My heart longs to make music. My heart longs to write. And I’m especially delighted and honored anytime I am able to inspire or lift up a heart of someone I love through either of these offerings.
Isn’t it pretty cool that we are most alive when we are using the passions and gifts our loving Father has placed in us? Isn’t it astounding to know that we bring Him glory when we do? What a beautiful design.
So I am passionate about writing. And I’m doing it. And I think it’s good for all of us to indulge in the things that wake us up from time to time. Let me just tell you though, getting started with this blog was not easy. You’d think it would be but oh man, I’ve got quite the story now. Would you believe there were tears? I’m not kidding. Tears. And a wrecked vehicle. Sorry, Mama. Ok, not wrecked. I embellish for effect. But badly scraped.
No, I don’t make this stuff up. And I will tell you about it sometime so stay tuned.
But for now, let me explain what this blog is about. It’s about a life lived with eyes and a heart wide open to the goodness God daily pours into my small but in His own words, important story. And it’s about my daily walk, my loved ones and the things that make life worth living. It’s also about honesty. Because, let’s face it, though God loves us ABUNDANTLY, sometimes this walk ain’t so pretty. Can I get an amen?
Small Disclaimer: If you know me, please don’t be scared by this. I will not use names without permission. I will not embarrass you with things like, “Get THIS! My friend actually did this the other day…”
I will from time to time mention the goodness you pour into my heart and my own little corner of the world. Like how many times my family and dear friends said to me these past couple weeks, “We know you can do this. We love you. We are here for you. We stand beside you.” Wonderful and blessed encouragement when I pretty much wanted to pull the covers over my head and cease braving the world. You know who YOU are!
My sister-in-law (whom I just call my “sister” because the “in-law” part doesn’t seem to suit us) and I sometimes talk about life and shrug our shoulders and say something like, “Life is funny”. Because sometimes, that’s all you can say. But life is beautiful too. And it may surprise us from time to time. Or suck the energy completely out of our bodies. But it’s always offering something amazing. Because we serve an amazing God who couldn’t get any more fired up about us if He tried. I get fired up talking about that! And I’m kind of hoping you’ll enjoy coming along for the ride.
So, welcome to jessicamweber.com. I am so unbelievably excited you decided to stop by. We’ve got so much to talk about!
You never stop inspiring me, love you so much.
I am SO very proud of you! Your heart & soul are an inspiration to all of us. God bless you Baby, I love you more than words could ever say!
I blog to keep a record of things that went on in life. I also blog for fun, and because I like to write. I can’t see, so I can’t keep a paper journal.
Awesome. It was great to see you.
Linda McCormick
WOW!!!! Jess this is AWESOME!!!! I’m happy, I’m teary, I’m blessed that you are my friend AND moreover you are HIS in such an intimate way and now sharing your beautiful heart in this way. I look forward to reading more…..thanks for doing this….praying for you and will learn from your lead as I want and need to do this as well. YOU are my inspiration! Love you so much! Thanks for obeying HIS prompt to bless all of us!
I can’t wait to read more!