The Pushing Through

Do you ever have moments when you find yourself wondering if your efforts amount to much?  I’ll bet you do.  We all do.  It’s natural to think that way at times.

Our Tuesday night Bible study group was discussing that this past week.  And then a friend of mine brought up that same topic during a separate conversation.  It seems that many, like myself, struggle to remain positive when their energy is waning and their efforts haven’t produced the results for which they’ve hoped.

We’re assured in the Word that many things in the Kingdom take time.  In fact, it’s likened to the planting of a seed.  We must wait patiently and expectantly to see a harvest.  In the meantime, we find ourselves wondering why God doesn’t allow us to bypass the tedious and sometimes painful delay.

What happens during the waiting period matters though.  In fact, God often seems to put less emphasis on the full growth and more on what’s happening to us in the process…

as we wait.

It takes faith to believe, after you’ve planted a seed, that something is happening beneath the surface because it takes a long while before that seed will push up through the dirt.  Underneath the soil, a beautiful and intricate work is taking place.  And the green sprout that determines itself up through the soil needs time before it can withstand the external forces with which it will contend. Once it breaks through and becomes visible to the world, the sprout’s survival depends on its roots. God won’t allow your efforts to push through the dirt until they are secured in the foundation of His love.

But rest assured, that seed grows.  

And whatever measure of faith you put into the planting of that seed will be the measure of harvest you’ll yield in its time. 

1 Corinthians 3: 6-8…

“I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.  It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering.  What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.  The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose.  And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.”

I don’t know what fruit you’re waiting on today.  But I want to encourage you to leave the outcome to God.  He doesn’t want you to carry the weight of worry.  Rather, He wills for you to be bolstered by the promise of faith.  When we get wrapped up in seeing the results, we lose our enthusiasm to move on and plant new seeds.  But if we continue to move in faith, we open ourselves up to having a greater impact on the world around us. 

Your efforts matter, my friend.  And if they seem small to you, remember that their significance has way more to do with the One who makes the seeds grow than with the one who plants or waters.  Ultimately, it all comes down to Him.  And He isn’t one to disappoint.  Those who persevere in believing and relying on His goodness will see their efforts magnified by His exceeding greatness.  You can’t fail when you partner with The Unfailing.

So trust Him today.  Trust Him for the appearance of that tiny green sprout.  Because the roots of faith deepening in you are far more powerful and have the potential to inspire many.

If you’re ready to receive that, dear friend, then…

get ready for the pushing through.  It will be glorious.


  1. Donna

    So true my friend! I love the analogy of the tender sprout pushing through the soil. We don’t know how God is watering and growing those seeds we plant for Him cause we can’t see the results just the way we can’t see the sprout under the soil, but we are assured that he is using those seeds for change. So keep following your heart by planting seeds. As you said God will take care of the rest.

  2. Nisha

    I just read in my Bible Study Fellowship notes that Isaac was born 25 years after the promise was given! 25 years! Just imagine how difficult it must have been for Abraham and Sarah to wait and continue to have faith for that seed to grow! I wonder if I would have tried to make God’s plan happen quicker like they did by adding Hagaar to the equation. Thank you for your encouraging words, Jessica, to keep on praying and having faith that God is working behind the scenes to grow something wonderful in each one of us. Let this time not be in vain!

  3. Jen

    I like this very much! Waiting is the hardest and most challenging part of life and faith. Given time all will be revealed and we must trust…..and wait.

  4. Kay Weisen

    Thank you so much. I have a younger brother I have been praying for
    He gave me the perfect statement that let me talk to him about Jesus
    I am waiting for that green sprout to grow into his branch.

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