Do you ever test the strength of God?
I mean that in a good way, btw. Not in the I’m going to hurl myself from this mountain and see if He catches me type way. (Have we learned nothing from the 40-day temptation? Not even Jesus did that!)
No, I mean…
have you ever woken up on any particular day and said to yourself,
“Well, I don’t have much to offer this morning, Lord. I’m tired. A little cranky. If anything good’s gonna come outta me today, it’s pretty much all on You. Here You go, I give You the mess that I am – do what You do.”
Is it startling for you to know He wants that from you? Is it unnerving for you to see your shortcomings are not a hindrance to His power? In fact, quite often, it’s the weaknesses we see in ourselves that help us make room for the power of God. If we never felt vulnerable, we wouldn’t learn to trust His strength.
So…waking up in the previously mentioned state is not a bad thing – not really. You’ll only feel uncomfortable in that state for as long as you choose to dwell in the helpless, godless perspective of it all. But the moment you remember who He is and Whose you are, your heart can be properly realigned and you can be at ease with being however imperfect you feel.
You can feel loved.
And you can be made whole by a God who will take over at the smallest of invitations, to be everything you know you can’t be on your own. No real formality required.
That might sound like a song and dance for those who believe they have it all together. I’ve been there. But, the truth is, none of us have it all together. Humility is the key to grace and to a much better life. Each and every one of us is offered the same sweet deal every morning: to go it alone or surrender ourselves to God. You won’t be disappointed when you choose the latter.
Jesus didn’t test God’s strength in arrogance – that’s why He didn’t throw Himself from the ledge. There was nothing arrogant about our Savior. He was humility at its finest. And He claimed that everything He was (which was all good) came from the Father. He is our beautiful example of how faith and humility can change everything.
Truth is, when we follow in Jesus’ example and respond in humility, we come to know there are no boundaries to God’s love.
Don’t limit God today. Test those boundaries by letting go and trusting that God’s power. You are not limited by the things you don’t like about yourself. It’s all in the partnering. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. (See 2 Corinthians 12:9) I ask you, sweet friends, what’s better than perfect?
Blessings to you today and always – may you live happily in the understanding that even if you can be quite a mess like me at times, you’re covered by an infinitely greater God who doesn’t withhold the blessings of all He is to those who trust in His care. You are stronger than you feel and given the chance,
He will most definitely prove it.
Every day I trust that the Lord is with me. I know his power is the strongest when I am at my weakest. Yet I don’t really think I am surrending myself to God. What your words have made me realize is that I have neglected to invite him into my life to address specific issues. I figure he knows what I need because he is all knowing. So I don’t take the time to express my needs to Him. Now, I think by inviting him into my life strengthens my relationship with him. We are saying we care enough to share our life with him. We are saying we want him in our lives. Not just assuming he is there.
Thank you for your continuing wisdom and insight, Jessica.