We live in a time when information is easily accessible. If you have a question, an answer is a Google search away. In many ways, this simplifies our lives. In many other ways, it complicates them.
For those of us seeking Christ, we have Christian programming, articles, sermons, music, testimonies and multiple interpretations of any one scriptural verse a click or two away and yet many Christians seem more confused than ever. You don’t even need to involve the Internet to stumble into confusion. I was recently having a conversation with a friend who felt really troubled over a decision that felt monumental and the sermon she heard on one Sunday seemed completely conflicting with the one she heard the following – which only made matters worse for her. I could so easily sympathize because I’ve been there. I have felt that desperation many times – wanting so badly to hear His voice but finding no clarity in any particular source. How do we know when God is talking to us specifically? How do we know what messages we should let in?
It’s still a mystery to me at times why this all isn’t a little easier. But I try not to doubt the grand design. After all, I’m not so proud as to believe I have this all figured out or that I’ve achieved a wisdom that rivals our Creator’s. So, I take it in stride. And I remember that my need and sometimes my utter confusion, can do one of two things:
it can send me running from Him or running toward.
I think, in the answer to that dilemma and the choice we make in turn, comes the part of the design that makes the most sense.
See, I believe in God’s Word. I feel I’ve been in it enough to make that call. (I don’t understand those who judge the Bible having never read it – but that’s off-topic and a little ranty, I guess.) What I find the Word of God saying is that we were made to be in relationship with our Father. He delights in this relationship and intends that we do, as well.
A God who wants to be in relationship with His children is a God who will embrace those of us who come near. Even when we’re tormented. Or disgusted. Or even downright angry. Confusion doesn’t have to be a stumbling block to His care. Rather, it can be a catalyst.
We get mad or distant because we perceive His quiet nature as uncaring. But what if there was purpose to the quiet? What if He is simply using it to call us in a little closer? What if He is asking us to spend some time with Him alone? To shut out all the noise, all the other voices, and just focus on the One who doesn’t intend on leaving us in the dark?
As I lovingly reminded my dear friend in the midst of her recent big decision and as I often have to remind myself,
there is absolutely no substitute for one on one time with God.
There isn’t supposed to be.
We could be surrounded by the wisest of council but if we neglect time with Him, we forfeit the most beautiful part of this whole deal. Not only that, but we will lack discernment and begin to believe that every single message that comes down the pike (even if it’s all from good and godly sources) is for us. Confusion will inevitably follow.
There are places in one’s heart and soul only God Himself can go.
I love the heart of our God. I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to learn it and so, though I don’t always do this well, I’m getting better at trusting Him – even when I can’t hear Him. I don’t particularly like being in the midst of those quiet times – they’re not my most comfortable times. But even when I am squirming, He is faithful. After all, I’ve learned that when He’s quiet, it’s most likely that He’s looking to heal – and He can only do that if I choose to allow it and choose to block out every other voice but His own.
In quietness and trust is my strength. (See Isaiah 30:15)
My friends, I hope you find encouragement in this today and that, if you need some quiet time with Him, you’ll take it. It might not come naturally at first and you might have to momentarily disappoint someone else who is seeking your attention by choosing Him instead, but He is the One who will strengthen every part of you and every relationship you share. This more than makes up for any mild inconvenience.
He’s a God of big blessings. He’s a God of love. He won’t leave us to figure this life out on our own. But He might ask us to come away with Him for a while – and that certainly isn’t too much to ask…especially when we begin to see the bigger picture:
the time we spend with Him is the gift we were seeking all along.
Loving My Jesus
Casting Crowns
I was a wandering soul
Traveling a well worn road
A sinner so far from home
No second chance in sight
I heard You call my name
I felt You lift my shame
And I made a vow that day
That I’d spend the rest of my life
Loving my Jesus
Showing my scars
Telling my story of how mercy
Can reach You where You are
And I pray the whole world hears
The cry of my heart
Is to see all the ones I love
Loving my Jesus
Sin tries to make you hide
Whispers that same old lie
Keep all your pain inside
‘Cause no one will understand
The last thing this lost world needs
Is someone I’m trying to be
Truth that has set me free
Is that I’m just a broken man
Loving my Jesus
Showing my scars
Telling my story of how mercy
Can reach You where You are
And I pray the whole world hears
The cry of my heart
Is to see all the ones I love
Loving my Jesus
When all is said and done
When my last song’s been sung
I stand face to face with the One
Who gave all for me
May all I have to show
Be all that mattered most
Making Your great name known
Let this be my only legacy
Loving my Jesus
Showing my scars
Telling my story of how mercy
Can reach You where You are
And I pray the whole world hears
The cry of my heart
Is to see all the ones I love
Oh, all the ones I love
Loving my Jesus
Songwriters: John Mark Hall / Matthew West
Loving My Jesus lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Jessica, I think our secular world has conditioned us to look for the easy fix to the issues that we are dealing with in our lives, even from godly sources as you say. I find myself listening to my daily audio Bible which is very good, and thinking and I have spent time In his Word. It is a good springboard for my daily devotional and better than doing nothing, but I find I am not using it as a springboard, but continuing my day after listening to it. I miss reading the printed word and letting it speak to me. I miss that time with my Savior. Time! That is the key. We need to spend time with our God. We need to Make time for our God. That’s what He desires! I think godly audio and video and YouTube sources can be helpful, but they are no substitute for digging into the Word myself and feeling the Holy Spirit speak to me. It is not as easy as listening to a podcast or watching a TV program, but reading His word can be so much more meaningful if we take the time to listen to the quiet of His voice. Thank you for helping me realize that.