
Hello, my sweet family and friends!!

It’s been sooooo long since I’ve written, I didn’t even know if I could still get on my site! And I didn’t remember how! But thankfully, I had the instructions tucked away so here I am! I’ve missed this!

Dear Lois, I hadn’t read your comment on my last post until now and I thank you! I love it! You made me feel good!  Sometimes, I’m not quite sure if what I’m putting out there makes sense. But when someone says it does and tells me why, I feel blessed! Thank you for being such a faithful reader and leaving such loving and wise commentary!

Thank you to ALL of you who leave comments! It really fires my passion for this ministry.  I truly love logging on to see what you’ve written.  As I said before, you write so beautifully with such wisdom and heartfelt encouragement.  So much of the JOY I find in this ministry has to do with YOU!

Now, on to today’s writing…

I feel compelled on this 4th day of this 4th month to praise my Father and encourage others through this blog. I’m quite reflective today…on this, my 40th birthday.

My, how time flies!!

I’m 40, folks. And my life looks quite different from 39.

On December 17th, I married the man of my dreams. Well, I’m not even sure I can say it like that for he has far superceded any dreams I had. My husband is amazing. We share a love I can’t even explain which rests securely in the great foundation of our Father’s. Jennings has changed my world in so many wonderful ways that I can’t begin to dive into all of that in one writing. But suffice it to say, I am one blessed woman. My cup runneth over.

I have a husband for whom I’d have waited another 40 years…but am so glad I didn’t have to. I have a family whom I love more than words can say and love to be with…who warm my heart and fill my life. I have dear friends who feel like family and in God’s great Kingdom, they are. And I have unspeakable JOY in my Father…whom I’m finally starting to see as He really is.

And friends…

He is love.

I don’t know where you are in your life right now but my heart longs to encourage yours. Sometimes, opening ourselves up to the greatest blessings of this life begins with the simplest yet most life-impacting truth: Our God loves us. Our God takes great pleasure in our joy. Our God WANTS good things for us.

Until I understood that, things seemed pretty stagnant in my life. But, by the grace of God, I got ahold of some awesome teachings and I let them burrow their way into my weary heart. And I tell you, it was like I released the floodgates.

Which tells me something…

If all God needs is a little invitation of faith in His good heart to make our hopes come alive, what are we waiting for?

We hear of a lot of bad in this world. And today, I wanted to honor my God and spread some hope by putting out some good.

You are a precious daughter and a precious son of God. In Christ, you are made free. It’s not about rules or obligations or guilt. You are free to be in awesome relationship with the Lover of your soul. The One who knew you while you were still in your mother’s womb. The One who has never forsaken you and never will.

And He loves to work miracles…but it takes trust. Won’t you learn His heart?

It can start with the simplest of prayers…

“Father, show me who you are…”.

When the goodness of God fills your life, you won’t want to be silent either. You’ll want that same joy for everyone you love. And that’s where I am today.

Wherever you are, give Him a chance.

A lot can happen in a year.


He is so good.

Love you ALL!! I’ll be back soon!!

Oh! And P.S. …

Someday in the not so distant future, this blog might be under another title but I’ll keep ya posted.

Love, Jessica M. Cross 🙂

One Comment

  1. Kudie

    As always my Angel, you fill my heart (as well as my eyes ?). You are such a blessing! You have always been so beautiful (inside & out), & now it just radiates from you. We are so blessed that you & your Jennings are so blissfully happy. We know God is good, & that he had special plans for you all along. Together you two will grow in love, gracefully sharing God’s gifts & spreading his word as an example of true love & commitment. I am so proud of you! You have overcome a lot in your 40 young years. You have always had the love & admiration of your family. Now it is so heartwarming to see you have the love of such a good man. God bless you both, & Happy 40th! Thank you for each & every one of those years!

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